IELTS Writing Samples: Edited, Assessed & Scored


Why are you losing points in the IELTS writing section?

Most test takers don’t know where they are losing points and how to fix this problem. So they repeat their mistakes and get the same score again and again.

But, there is a solution!

First, understand how the test is scored:

  • Task Response (content) + Cohesion & Coherence (organization and flow) = 50% of the score
  • Lexical Resource (vocabulary) + Grammatical Range & Accuracy (grammar) = 50% of the score

In other words, it’s not all about language use. Most people look for mistakes in the wrong places.

Also, be aware of what the examiners are looking for:

  • Did you answer the task question?
  • Do sentences and paragraphs connect?
  • Are you using idiomatic language?
  • Are you making basic grammar errors?

And so on.

There are many more questions like these. They’re all in the study guide.
There are also samples you can study. Others are probably making the same errors as you; see how to fix these mistakes and how to avoid making them in the future.

NOTE: Download and secure safely on your laptop, desktop, or tablet (may not open on some phones).

A high score in writing is about more than just grammar and vocabulary. Examiners are looking for content and organization as well. This book provides a deeper look at the four scoring criteria and what examiners actually see when they read your summary and essay.

In this book you will find:

  • Descriptions of the four scoring criteria
  • 10 original Task 1 Summaries
  • 30 original Task 2 Essays
  • Every sample fully edited, with notes, an evaluation, and scores
  • 9-band versions of every task
  • A basic writing checklist
  • Case studies to compare samples
See how your IELTS writing score is assessed.
  • Learn what to do and what not to do
  • Avoid common mistakes that cost points
  • Understand the scoring criteria
  • See real summaries and essays written by test-takers just like you

All samples presented in this book were written by students like you who are preparing to take the IELTS exam. Each sample has also been rewritten to a 9-band level for comparison and further guidance.

Print book now available(US$35.00, via Amazon)

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172 pages
Full colour
Format: PDF (electronic book)


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